
The Waters of Zormigzer


          On the eighth evening of Lyuntaaz, we wash away the mud of the previous evening like our ancestors washed in the pools of Zormigzer. The eighth evening serves as a night of rest, as the Quaceb nation used this night to rest from their efforts, as Ponai rested after creating the protozoa on the eighth day. It is a joyous rest, for it was during this night that Wodov Gom finally recovered the sacred cohage from the hands of the Todroc.

           A song from the book of Toniuri is sung while washing, then, after all have dried off, two eyes of the cohage are lit, and the following prayer is said:


          Umuachik, Ponai, coz weh aokogia, yajzap kai wanzap moqo culumafa. Gikgaru jiaz yak ip cohage xawateb doyi gosa jivo brirugicofa con wainakobja. Andere.

          Thank you, Ponai, for our freedom, togetherness, and unity in worship. Keep us as a many tentacled thing reaching out to all lifeforms with wainakobja. Andere.

           No other ceremonies are done this night, for it is an evening of resting. If desired, your family may choose to have a Qatemhapi in celebration.

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