We prepare our hearts for Lyuntaaz

Tonight we begin the celebration of the miracles of Ponai. This celebration is called Lyuntaaz. A good way to honor Ponai is to pray as much we can and go to vanseb. Another way is to prepare the festive cohage to show others that we are an illumination to the galaxy. In this book you will find prayers for Lyuntaaz. It is good to give praise to Ponai.
On the first night of Lyuntaaz, the ritual cohage is set up on the family dining table, or other surface, and the family prays a blessing over it in dedication to Ponai.
Ponai chikhib boiene, chik kuselemja zafacxa, bisa sozo'hweh brikomi gosa ruhd dupow.
Blessed are You, Ponai, Creator of the galaxy, who preserved our lives up to this date.