
The Eighth Light: The Miracle of Mutation


           On the tenth evening of Lyuntaaz, we wear masks in honor of the miraculous transformation of nature and Abreyas as they traveled in the wilds of Muxmoclov, the Kamlevno mutating into what we call the Datragra, the Saarin becoming a Saarivnag, and the development of nidbaxo and kuzwahi on our fellow Abreyas.

           On this night, we visit the houses of neighbors, singing songs from the Vosegni in exchange for gifts of money or small baked makgrag. Before traveling outdoors, one eye is lit, and the following prayer is said:

           Ponai, zavalu kai kusuqali weh brixacva shnarf gik guki kenuiji coz bea derakpaga dupow de Sommaros tiks bea Kipom juz, jub shnarf gik guki hib kuselhim zebalvo gosa chikijue con poiagupu gujebne. Andere.

           O Ponai, stir up and change our hearts that we may prepare for the eventual day of Sommaros when the Kipom comes, so that we may be made worthy to serve you with pure minds. Andere.

           On this night we decorate our homes with wophaben and zirlish, and play Etfinurter in celebration.

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