These desert-dwelling goblins are perhaps the easiest to get along with. Bhuka gravivate toward the side of good, and tend to be staunch allies with their human, dwarf, elf and gnome neighbors. Other goblins dislike bhuka, considering them more like humans than goblins. Bhuka are easily distinguished by their light brown skin.
Blues are a sub-race of goblin equal in size to lutins, standing an average of three to four feet high. They are easily identified by their blue skin and are known to possess incredible psionic powers.
Also referred to as "snotlings", the bogeys are the very smallest race of goblin. To make up for their small size, many bogeys have delved deeply into the magic arts. As a result, their appearances often suffer from magic polution, causing them to resemble rats or lizards. Bogey skin can range from dark green to black, making them particularly frightening in appearance to humans.
So named because they are large and hairy, bugbears are not to be confused with actual bugbears. These goblins are yellow-skinned and perhaps the largest of all pure-goblin species. They tend to be very aggressive, even more than lutins.
Though often considered to be their own race, the term "Hobgoblin" actually refers to any creature who is half goblin. The prefix "hob" is derived from the germanic word "halb", meaning "half". Hobgoblin appearances vary according to their parent races, but they tend to have a rather brown or reddish coloration, owing to the genes of their non-goblin parent. Other goblins hold hobgoblins in disdain and will gladly allow them to be the first ones to get shot at.
Incredibly friendly and generous, some claim that the hogboons aren't goblins at all, owing to their friendly nature. Hogboons will gladly lend a hand with whatever needs doing. However, denying a hogboon a portion of the goods which they helped produce can cause them to unleash a storm of fury. Unlike most goblins, Hogboons tend to have small ears, noses and chins.
Extremely peaceful and easy going, knockers like to make friends. Knockers enjoy working in mines, and have a special sense which warns them of impending danger. Their name is derived from the knocking sound they make to warn others of an impending cave-in. Physically, knockers tend to be very thin and pale.
Distant relatives of the Kol'Ksu, the Koalinth are much more approachable water goblins. Koalinths are very clever, but being aquatic, haven't developed much of a technology. Able to live comfortably in either fresh or salt water, koalinths can also breathe air for extended periods of time, and are able to spend days on land.
These water-dwelling goblins are both highly beautiful and highly dangerous. With their flowing white hair, they are often mistaken for merfolk. Kol'Ksu are highly carnivorous and don't really care whether their prey is intelligent. They consider themselves superior to other races of goblin and very rarely deign to speak to them.
Perhaps the most common type of goblin in the Metamor Keep world, lutins are fairly small by human standards, standing about the same height as an average dwarf. Lutins are unusually strong for their size and able to climb walls using only their fingertips. Lutins are fairly intelligent, but their culture values strength and endurance over brains, so lutins tend to be uneducated and are thus easily misled as a whole.
Weird magical beings with a completely unknown origin, Nilbogs seem to be similar to the undead in that their health works backwards. Taking damage only improves the health of a nilbog while healing spells and medicines prove harmful. Nilbogs are among the most courageous of goblins for obvious reasons, to the point of overconfidence. Justifiably believing themselves invincible, nilbogs don't bother to hone their skills.
Norkers look a lot more fearsome than they really are. Their appearances are a bit unsettling, even to other goblins, with long, sharp fangs and thick, segmented skin which is tougher than leather armor. Norkers are generally peaceful, fighting only with those who pose a threat.
Snow Goblin
Similar to Amitoks, Snow Goblins are less violent, and are able to communicate across long distances using throat sacs, which produce powerful, low tones.
These forest goblins are considered primitive by most other goblins. Having somewhat shaggy body hair and fully functional tails, some feel they resemble monkeys more than goblins. Tragso, or trags for short, enjoy a varied diet but are particularly fond of tropical fruit. Disliking caves, they prefer to live in treehouses. They also tend to be ambivalent about clothing, wearing garments one day and going naked the next.
A misleading name, as the trow are only one tribe within this species, the name is also applied to the entire species of goblin which stands about equal in size to humans, but otherwise is highly similar to lutins. Other names include goblin, goblyn, orc, kobold and bogeyman, all of which are misleading and technically incorrect.
Bred by drow elves, the Vril are vicious warriors. Vril are purplish in color with tigerlike stripes. These goblins are known for being able to use sound as a weapon, with techniques ranging from sonic blasts to kill music, and similarly, are immune to sonic attacks.