Awakening Consciousness

By Mathgrant

Description: A musical representation of the gradual awareness that accompanies waking up.

Genre: Chippo

Release Date: May 27, 2007

Format:MP3 / NSFE

Filesize: 6.4M (12.8 K for NSFE)

Length: 7:00 Artist's Comments: On April 15, 2008, I had begun a brief personal project called Musico-Doodle, where I forced myself to compose something every day and post it on my SheezyArt account, regardless of the quality of the final result. I had intended not to invest so much effort into this piece, but I got sucked into it, and, at 7 minutes in length, it wound up being my longest work ever. As the title suggests, Awakening Consciousness represents the sensation of becoming gradually aware of one's surroundings upon waking up. It starts off as a slow, ambient chord progression for about the first minute and a half. Then the tempo increases, as percussion and a melody are gradually added on top of the chord progression. Eventually, a new theme is introduced; after the second variation on this new theme, there is a sudden shift to a more excited and rock-influenced style, followed by a gradual reversion back to the original down-tempo ambience, and then a fadeout.

Awakening Consciousness

Awakening Consciousness

Album Art

No album art is available for this song at this time.