
Agent- N. A personality similar to an alter, but existing as an extension of the metaconscious.
Alien hand- N. A part of the body which operates independently of the rest, usually as the result of severed connections within the brain.
Alter- N. A conscious personality within a multiple personality system.
Bot- N. Any semi-autonomous part of the subconscious. These are normal for everyone.
Bud- N. An alter still in the process of splitting off from another.
Cake, the- N. A model for improving relationships between alters, including communication, cooperation, compassion and either consolidation or community.
Chromatic- Adj. Divided along specific lines, such as emotional.
Chorus- N. A collective of personalities working in unison. See Suite.
Compound- Adj. Made of one or more elementary personae.
Conjure- V. To create an object in Headspace.
Core-and-coat- N. A specific type of multiplicity in which each personality is a distinct mental state and all share a central "core" consciousness.
DD-NOS- N. Dissociative Disorder, not otherwise specified. Any type of dissociative disorder not conforming to the most common four types.
Deres- V. To destroy or abolish an object in headspace.
Dreamweaver- N. Any part of the subconscious mind responsible for creating dreams.
Earthworld- N. The physical world.
Elementary - Adj. Not consisting of more than one persona. i.e.: a single alter.
Facetime- N. Time spent in the real world, operating the body.
Headspace- N. The internal environment in which alters live and interact.
Integrate- V. The act of two or more personalities becoming one.
Introject- N. An alter created as a copy of another entity, whether real or fictional.
Limbo- N. Unconstructed headspace.
Little- N. Child alter.
Mask- N. A false identity created to facilitate interactions with others.
Merge- V. To temporarily integrate, to join with another persona to become one.
Metaconscious- N. Part of the psyche which is neither conscious nor subconscious, yet having some properties of each.
Pop- V. To create an alter.
Shard- N. An alter or agent who is not fully formed.
Sim- N. A character in headspace without actual consciousness. A simulation.
Singlet- N. A crude term for a non-multiple.
Singleton- N. A non-multiple.
Slider- N. An alter able to change one or more aspects of himself, such as age, gender or size.
Suit- N. An simulated entity created by alters acting as one, but not integrating.
Suite- N. A team of alters acting as a single entity without integrating.
Small- N. Child Alter.
Split- V. To divide into two or more personalities.
System- N. The group of alters inhabbiting a single body.
System bot- N. The part of the subconscious which generates alters, governs multiplicity and maintains headspace.
Trigger- V. To cause a severe emotional response which in turn may cause mental defense mechanisms to activate.
Verasimilitude- N. The tendancy of mental constructs to behave in ways similar to their real-world conterparts.
Virtual- Adj. Taking place or existing in Headspace.
Wall, the- N. A state of temporary integration. A play on Pink Floyd's song, "The Wall".